Ir. Jessica Rikanti Tawekal, S.T., M.Sc.

Offshore Engineering Technology, Subsea Pipeline and Riser

Subsea pipeline, Offshore Platform, Structural Reliability and Integrity


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Educational Background

S1: 2012 – Teknik KelautanInstitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

S2: 2015 – Subsea Technology – University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norwegia

S3: (Ongoing) – Teknik SipilInstitut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)


Recent Publication

Tawekal, R.L., Velas, J.D., Tawekal, J.R. and Paramashanti (2020) Comparative Study of Braced Monopod and Tripod Jacket Offshore Platforms. Jour. of Adv. Res. in App. Mech. Vol. 1, No. 27, pp. 14-22

Paramashanti and Tawekal, J.R. (2018) Environmental Load Factor Calibration for a Fixed Platform in The Java Sea, International Journal of GEOMATE, 15 (49) 104-111.

Tawekal, J. R., & Tawekal, R. L. (2018). Risk reliability-based underwater inspection method for jacket platforms in Indonesia. International Journal of Structural Integrity.

Tawekal, R.L., Velas, J.D., Tawekal, J.R. and Paramashanti (2018) Comparative Study of Braced Monopod and Tripod Jacket Offshore Platforms. 11th International Conference on Marine Technology MARTEC 2018



Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)


Previous research activities

Kalibrasi Desain In-Place Metode Desain WSD dan LRFD berdasarkan Kriteria Tegangan Tubular Member di Perairan Madura (2021)

Fixed Platform Reliability Comparison Designed Using the LRFD and WSD Method in Madura Strait (2020)

Kehandalan Anjungan Lepas Pantai di Wilayah Industri Migas Indonesia (2019)